Seksin kutsal kitabı Kamasutra M.Ö 400 yıllarına dek uzanan bir tarihe sahip. Hindistan’da Sanskritçe yazılmış olan Kamasutra sadece seks pozisyonlarını değil tüm yaşam tarzını anlıyor. Eğer Kamasutra pozisyonlarını merak ediyorsanız, tam da doğru yerdesiniz. İşte en iyi 100 pozisyon…

İllustrasyon: Mehmet Hakan Alacalı

1. EROTİK V Bu pozisyon için biraz akrobatik olmanız gerekebilir. Kadın bir masanın köşesine oturur ve erkek kadının önünde ayakta durur. Birleşmeyi sağlayabileceği aynı hizaya gelebilmek için dizlerini hafifçe kırar. Her iki kolunu da erkeğin boynuna dolayan kadın, önce sağ ardından da sol bacağını erkeğin omuzlarına koyar. Geriye doğru yaslanır ve erkeğin ritmine sadık kalır.

2. AT BİNME Bu pozisyonda erkek bağdaş kurarak oturur ve kollarını geriye koyar, vücudunu dengeler. Kadın erkeğin kucağına ata biner gibi oturur ve erkeğin başını kolları arasına alır. Bu pozisyonda hızı ve derinliği kadın belirler. Erkek zorlanırsa sırtını bir duvara da yaslayabilir.

3. CATHERINE TEKERLEĞİ Bu pozisyon biraz karmaşıktır. Öncelikle erkekle kadın karşı karşıya otururlar ve kadın bacaklarını erkeğin gövdesine dolar, erkek içine girer ve tek bacağını kadına dolayarak kadının pozisyonu korumasına yardımcı olur. Kadın kollarından destek alarak kendini dengede tutar; erkek ise bir dirseğinden destek alır.

4. AŞK ÜÇGENİ İlk bakışta bu pozisyon bizlere klasik misyoner pozisyonunu hatırlatabilir. Aslında ondan çok farklıdır. Bu pozisyonda kadın sırtüstü yatarken erkek de dört ayak üstünde durur. Kadın kalçasını yukarı kaldırır ve birleşme sağlanır. Erkek sabit dururken pozisyona kadın hakimdir.

5. ŞEHVETLİ  X Bu pozisyonda her şey kontrol ile alakalı. Kadın, yatakta uzanan erkeğin üzerine ters bir şekilde uzanır. Kollarını erkeğin dizlerinin altından geçirerek kaval kemiklerine tutunur. Ayaklarını erkeğin omuzlarına uzatır. X şeklini alan bedeni ile kadın yukarı ve aşağı doğru hareket etmeye başlar.

6. NİRVANA Bu klasik bir pozisyondur. Kadın sırt üstü, bacakları düz ve birleşik bir şekilde uzanır. Elleriyle yatak başını tutar. Erkek kadının üzerine uzanır ve iki bacağını kadının iki yanına koyarak kadının içine girer. Birlikte hareket eden erkek ve kadın baldırlarıyla baskı uygulayarak hareketi daha zevk dolu hale getirebilir.

7. KİLİT Kadın mutfak tezgahı ya da bulaşık makinesi gibi yüksek bir yerin köşesine oturur. Arkaya doğru kollarına dayanır. Erkek kadının karşısında ayakta durur. Kadın erkeği bacaklarıyla kavrar. Birbirlerinin gözlerinin içine bakarak birleşme sağlanır.

8. KIZAK Erkek sırtüstü uzanır ve kadın ayakları birleşik bir şekilde onun üzerine uzanır. Bu şekilde birleşme meydana gelir.

9. MAYMUN Biraz jimnastik gerektiren bu pozisyonda erkek dizlerini göğsüne doğru çekerek sırtüstü uzanır. Kadın arkası dönük bir şekilde erkeğin üzerine yerleşir ve ayaklarından güç alarak kendini yukarı aşağı hareket ettirir. Bu pozisyonda kadın ne kadar ayaklarını kullanırsa erkek o kadar rahat eder. İtiraf edelim ki çok da kolay bir pozisyon değildir.

9. MAYMUN Biraz jimnastik gerektiren bu pozisyonda erkek dizlerini göğsüne doğru çekerek sırtüstü uzanır. Kadın arkası dönük bir şekilde erkeğin üzerine yerleşir ve ayaklarından güç alarak kendini yukarı aşağı hareket ettirir. Bu pozisyonda kadın ne kadar ayaklarını kullanırsa erkek o kadar rahat eder. İtiraf edelim ki çok da kolay bir pozisyon değildir.

11. DORUK NOKTASI Sağlıklı besleniyorsanız ya da partneriniz halterci ise bu pozisyon sizin için oldukça kolay olacaktır. Erkek dizlerini hafifçe kırarak ayakta durur. Erkek karşısında duran kadını kaldırır ve kadın ayaklarıyla erkeği sarar. Başlarda kadının ayakları masa veya benzeri bir şeyin üzerine gelirse kadın daha rahat destek alır.

12. DENGE POZİSYONU Erkek ayakları açık bir şekilde sırtüstü uzanır. Kadın kollarını iç tarafta tutarak erkeğin üzerine ters bir şekilde oturur ve erkek kadının kalçalarını kavrar. Gerçek bir denge hareketidir. Bu pozisyonda ritmi erkek belirler.

13. AYRILAN BAMBU Kadın sırtüstü uzanır ve bir bacağını erkeğin omzuna koyar. Erkek kadının diğer uzanan bacağının üzerine oturur.

14. SARMAL (ANJOU) Kadın dizlerini kendine çekerek bir yana doğru döner, kıvrılır. Erkek kaşık pozisyonu alır ve birleşme sağlanır. Özellikle hamile kadınlar için oldukça rahat bir pozisyondur.

15. KÖPRÜ Partneriniz yeteri kadar esnek ve güçlü ise bu pozisyonu deneyebilirsiniz. Erkek köprü yapar. Kadın ata biner gibi erkeğin üzerine oturur. Ayaklarından destek alarak yukarı ve aşağı hareket eder. Bu pozisyonu çok uzun süreli devam etmeyin, beyne çok kan pompalanmasından erkek kendinden geçebilir.

109 Yanıt

  1. your blogs net worth). don’t be concerned

    with writing a long post. just write a post. make it original, in your unique style. write about any topic related to your sites theme that you are genuinely interested in. this sincere and real style sends a powerful message as

  2. of course. so your goal is to

    make sure that the blog post you create is ranked on page one by the search engines. achieving this result gives you the best opportunity because it will be seen by the most people.the best way to achieve that is to

  3. is not needed. it is a personal

    choice. next add images, or videos.once you are happy with your post hit the publish post button. this will let your traffic read your post, and they decide if you have in fact written a good blog post. if it is

  4. a blog site, you should be able

    to have a very good societal image even if it is just a virtual reality you are working with. leaving quality comments on other blogs also help you increase traffic on your blog. join a discussion board forum related to your

  5. at your art.but king also suggests that

    “great writing” is something else altogether. every now and then there comes along someone with such raw talent that the world is in awe of him or her! this level of writing is rarely achieved and those who do outlive their

  6. skill set to determine what they can

    do to enhance their writing skills.enhancing legal writing skills can be achieved. paralegals should first understand what constitutes excellent writing, in terms of legal writing. excellent writing is not about being creative. legal writing is all abo…

  7. interest, there is the possibility of converting

    them to subscribers. guest blogging is also the easiest way to build quality backlinks to your blog.gain exposure – if you create quality content and blogs and others find your work interesting, they might publish it on their website and this

  8. detail, however; all of this is very

    straightforward and as i said before i know it’s not sexy, but, these are ways to create income it would help keep you going until you start making the bigger money. i will never forget the time when i first heard

  9. that average only two per year.the green

    sea turtle, or green turtle, is, as the name says, a sea turtle. ironically, it mostly hangs out around lagoons rather than out in the sea. it gets the name green because of a layer of green fat under the upper

  10. this case, we are talking about blog

    traffic.how to get more traffic to your blog has been the age-old question since blogs first started appearing on the internet in the 1990′s. in fact, one of the first recognized bloggers began his blog in 1994 and is still going

  11. use it as a powerful marketing tool

    and create mind boggling range of web content writing, article submissions, blog articles and link building services to the global clientele. they also take care of other advertising instruments like press releases, newsletters, marketing collaterals a…

  12. class fails to get minimum 50% marks

    in each of these subjects would not be eligible for admission in any of the b. tech courses, whether it is computer science engineering or any other.similarly it is in the case of pursuing master of business administration as a post-graduate

  13. their knowledge of the language, its grammar,

    spelling, and punctuations. unless the writer knows the fundamentals of the language he or she may come up with something unacceptable and instead of attracting readers such contents may divert them away from the site.fluency of writing such skilled wr…

  14. article. also, you can put at the

    end of the article link to some bloggers that wrote on the same theme, but from another perspective. readers love when they find free resources for free.so, let`s summarize what i wrote. when you start to write articles on your blog,

  15. it for business than it is best

    to hire a professional designer. if you can’t, i have found many free beautiful templates at websites such as templatesblock among others. you can add your own pictures, gadgets and you need to know just a little bit of html. be

  16. leverage these pillar articles. every day millions

    of people are searching for information online. as a blogger, this can be very beneficial. having the proper blog post writing techniques will ensure that you are not kicked to the curb by your competition. if you want to get the

  17. great blog posts and increase website traffic:write

    for your target audience. if you know information covering the internet marketing niche or the food and drink niche, write about those topics. whatever your topic is, you need to focus on targeting those people who would be interested in that

  18. would like your blog site to be

    a success, you need seo, and you need to understand how to make use of it to the benefit of your blog. similar to a website your blog ranking will improve and be more successful by being optimized. these are just

  19. hardware which translates into more downtime for

    your website. their servers take forever to be fixed because they either don’t have enough man power or not enough updated hardware to fix your problems quickly. changing hosting companies is a nuisance which should be avoided. consequently, always re…

  20. with a nice blog hosted for you

    free within some few minutes. more importantly there is a monetize feature which automates setting up google adsense. your main task here is to post articles regularly. the articles must be keyword rich in order to augment search engine optimization. y…

  21. the same time.social share buttons or badges

    are a wonderful way to spread the word of a brand or product. lead generation should always be at the top of the funnel. email marketing provides a great opportunity to embed or include share links to social sites like facebook,

  22. you create content that appeals to social

    media users and that content becomes popular on high traffic social sites, your website or blog will be linked to from numerous sites around the web. social networking also gives you the opportunity to find and target industry users for specific

  23. concise format with the option of gaining

    additional information from additional sources if wanted. it is the best of all worlds for the reader.how to gather curated content for your blog.in order to use curated information on your website, it takes a lot of preliminary work and a

  24. is not split into two parts (cart

    and horse) but is one object where all its smaller pieces work together to get it where it’s meant to go. writing and marketing are really the same thing-they are inseparable.the author i spoke to only had a few chapters of

  25. one of the most popular mass medium.

    unlike the television, information is disseminated across the globe, unlike the newspaper, news can be updated in just minutes. it’s no doubt, that even the popularity of a famous blogger can be compared to an international artist. companies and busin…

  26. are already celebrities even before they started

    their own blog (or before someone else started doing it for them).their blogs aren’t the main reason why they are popular with the public and the media. their personal brand and what they do are the main reasons why these celebrities

  27. Official Regenerative Institute Vimeo Channel.

    The Regenerative Leadership Institute is the nation’s sustainable living, leadership and permaculture design school. We reconnect people with nature, remembering our collective heritage and creating a beautiful, thriving future. Join us and let’s cha…

  28. post topic. when promoting a particular product

    or niche, be sure to mention that at the beginning of the blog post to get the reader interested in the topic. blog posts are typically not as long in length as regular articles, so anywhere from 200-400 words is acceptable.it

  29. may think they’re clever and covering their

    tracks but the fact is that the more clever they think they are the more likely they are to be caught. a trained experienced investigator knows how to take advantage of the cyber bullies obsessive personality and use it against them.

  30. new to think about or discuss. a

    great way to drag in audience is to write on topics that are relevant, timely, fresh, exciting and engaging at the same time.a blog writer should push her readers a little bit every time with a slightly controversial, discussion worthy, thought

  31. Official Regenerative Institute Vimeo Channel.

    The Regenerative Leadership Institute is the nation’s sustainable living, leadership and permaculture design school. We reconnect people with nature, remembering our collective heritage and creating a beautiful, thriving future. Join us and let’s cha…

  32. hit the link of an article when

    they find the title quite trendy and information. so, you need to think of a topic for your articles that will grab the visitors’ attention. it is vital that you choose to write for niches that people mostly navigate through to

  33. vegetable to your diet daily until you

    are eating healthy amounts. kale packs a great nutritional punch. citrus is a great fruit for cleansing your insides. what you want to avoid is twisting your gut up with too much too soon. drink lots of water so you don’t

  34. Official Regenerative Institute Vimeo Channel.

    The Regenerative Leadership Institute is the nation’s sustainable living, leadership and permaculture design school. We reconnect people with nature, remembering our collective heritage and creating a beautiful, thriving future. Join us and let’s cha…

  35. also, include it in the description of

    your video. the url in the description of the video will be hyperlinked, while the url on the video won’t be. here’s another blog traffic tip:2) consider forumsforum marketing is a great way to get traffic to your blog literally overnight.

  36. getting to. the goal is to have

    your tweet returned on the public timeline for any site-wide searches for your keywords; the people behind those searches, qualified by their keyword intent toward your topical niche, make up your targeted traffic.smoke the hash(tag)hashtags–created b…

  37. posting. a well-skilled paralegal is an excellent

    writer. that is the long and short of it. a paralegal cannot afford to be an average writer, or even a good writer. he or she must be an excellent writer! writing communication proficiencies are required because writing is one of

  38. song writing process with your customized songbook.

    brainstormingbrainstorming is a great way to jump-start your writing flow. it does not require any strenuous thought, and there are no time limits. whether you have too much of a perspective on a topic, or not enough, a very helpful strategy

  39. another tip would be to leave out

    any advertising. lets say that a new visitor decides to read your post. however, this visitor is upset and confused because of all the advertising. so, they decide to close the tap on their internet browser. this happens often to other

  40. write about, you could even blog about

    how there is a prevalent lack of common sense in certain areas of society.generositythis is fun one to dig into; you can apply this idea in a variety of ways. for example, how people have been or have not been generous

  41. share to their potential clients. this will

    not only allow you to attract more attention but will also help you quickly grab that “expert position” in your chosen niche. an article only serves its purpose when it appeals the user to click on the link during search and

  42. could use would be to find an

    expert in your topic and interview them. put this interview on your blog and make sure to use social media to spread the word about your new post. surely your target audience will appreciate a well written blog post with interviews

  43. skills as a writer and never try

    to be perfect. being perfect will only hinder your ability to get things done. pick up some software that allows you to run through various training materials to improve your writing skills. you’ll be surprised at how well some of these

  44. idea to get a second opinion.as well

    as content, people who have learned the secret of how to get more website traffic have studied the dark arts of seo, or search engine optimization as it’s otherwise known. backlinking is the key to success here, as well as researching

  45. a good blog, have fun, but remember,

    always respect others. on the other hand, it can imply that more competition since more players just began to compete with you in business. well, that is websites. when we start blogs, the numbers increase to a point that you simply

  46. only, you will find that it will

    take a longer time to monetize as opposed to paying for the traffic.now there are all kinds of ways to make money with your opt-in email list. one of the best things that you can do is to build trust. building

  47. your website.why guest blogging?there’s many different ways

    of increasing your website ranking or pagerank – a google term for website popularity. however pagerank is determined on the quality of the back link (among other factors) and so getting a back link from a high pagerank blog is hugely

  48. your audience is, their age and gear

    each blog post toward those readers. make sure terminology suits the readers as well. therefore, do not use slang and pop-culture terminology when talking to retirees.add pictureseach post will have more of an impact if there are pictures in the post.

  49. you can gain just four or five

    loyal readers each day, it won’t be long before word of mouth grows your following all by itself. you must also write content that people yearn to read. i know that there are two or three blogs that i can’t wait

  50. only advice would be, to choose a

    writer who’s first language is english. with in a few days of posting the job you will receive many bids, some will offer to complete the project for $50, other freelance writers will offers bids which are less than the $50.

  51. or otherwise increasing your education, even if

    you simply go through a local community college. you are going to have to send in your resume to apply for freelance writing positions, as well as sample pieces of your work, and although the job requires a lot of creativity

  52. you do want to give your reader

    as much value as possible. you want to link to other blog posts that you have written that will help the reader even more. link to high-traffic blog posts that are valuable by other authors and link to your affiliate links

  53. even forget about the content. there is

    no point of having a wonderful design if the reader leaves your site without any benefit.however great your design is, make sure your reader can tell what your site is all about at least at a glance.#14 blogging mistake- excessive use

  54. out how you can best promote your

    services to them. this means that you must choose a promotional vehicle and then you need to distribute the advertising effectively.you must also create the promotional vehicle as well and, in order for it to be well received by your audience,

  55. and tends to go a long way

    as a company with an ok reputation might end up having a bad reputation pretty sooner than expected. however if you do find a company with a good reputation, they will always provide you with what you require and provide you

  56. certain keywords that would be relevant to

    your niche and would describe your blog site. you can also add some words that would help personalize your blog name, like your name for instance or the place where you live. just don’t make it too long. it would be

  57. has to offer or else you will

    be directing your attention at the wrong audience.so if you do decide to have a go at publishing your content on article directories, make sure that you only publish you’re very best articles. that way you can optimise the amount of

  58. can help you audience to visualize the

    topic of discussion that you want to cover. you can either create your own short video or get the html code and embed it into your post. you tube is a great resource for this, but always make sure that you

  59. many work with agencies. to ensure you

    get the quality you expect and are paying for, conduct an online or telephone chat with your chosen writer to discuss your article writing needs in detail. this will give you a good idea of the writer’s interest, knowledge and ability

  60. actually owns your content. this means that

    google has the authority to shut down your account if they don’t like what you are blogging about. unfortunately, they do this without warning at all. in other words, you don’t have absolute control over your own blog. on the other

  61. the guy or gal that does one

    thing and says another. you shouldn’t be talking about things you don’t understand anyway, so refine your tactics or topic before you start talking about it. practice what you preach, before you preach it.no one likes to be lied to, and

  62. traditional blog, a community portal, membership site,

    e-commerce store, and on and on. if you can imagine it, there is probably a template which can just about any situation.3. plugins and widgets – blogger has plugins and widgets. but, the sheer quantity and quality available to wordpress is

  63. there will be times when you can

    not choose the topic you will write about. for example, in a writing contest, school written assignment, or written task for work, you will be given a topic that you may or may not basically like. you will be left with

  64. will make your site look more professional

    and people will enjoy reading your content. the background should be appropriate and exciting, if you are writing about making money online add a picture of money or a cheque.4. structure, a well organised blog post is better and more fun

  65. people make with blogging is blogging when

    they have nothing useful to say. if you are doing this then you are going to have a hard time making fans who are interested in your blog. your posts should be relevant to the selected category, informative, and well-written. blog

  66. hosting site for your blog, you could

    have guaranteed clientele. you have higher chances of building high traffic and accumulate clicks that result to actual purchase. the question still begs though – which blog host out there could be beneficial?first of all, not all online marketers are…

  67. service to write it for you if

    you are not a skilled writer yourself.so there you go. these are four of the basic and yet very important site promotion tips that you should follow. it does take time to master all of them but believe me when i

  68. up worth joining and discussing…talk about your

    latest recipe or even your latest flop.talk about your blog and what you have been doing with it.make connections with other ‘foodies’ and read their blogs.”pay it forward” means a lot of things to a lot of different people, but in

  69. keywords before i even start using any

    keyword research tools. first of all, recognize that it’s not a computer robot you’re writing to (although it is a bot that’s combing your site for keywords). in reality, it’s a human’s eyes who are going to ultimately see your site.

  70. paragraphs must be shorts, with 2 or

    maximum 3 phrases- use lines or bullet points to create list of specifications (like i did here) every time you can, use the headings. using headings, you will help reader to understand much better your message. actually, if the article is

  71. the screenplay writers for hire imbue life

    into the script. each word, each scene, each dialogue or description is pondered over, discussed and only then finalized. it is best to employ a writer who is backed by a team of writers if you want to see your idea

  72. the fact is that many ‘shut down’

    before they give themselves a chance to be successful! if you expect to write content consistently and for an extended period of time it’s best you do it ‘your’ way!the frequency of blog posting at any given site needs to be

  73. … [Trackback]

    […] Informations on that Topic: modernkadin.wordpress.com/2014/01/22/kamasutra-pozisyonlari/ […]

  74. including a definite end date on your

    blog giveaway hardly inspires confidence in potential entrants. it is not enough to state a day of the week that it ends. i have seen many blog giveaways that state something like “giveaway ends next monday.” it is never a good

  75. fashion industry, offer tips on how your

    readers can pick the best set of clothes for specific events, or offer how-to guide on how they can save money from buying clothes online. these types of topics will allow you to attract qualified prospects. not only that, they’ll also

  76. you know, platform may be your own

    website (well, you can start your own if interested, as it will cost you just your few days of pocket money) or free blog on blogger.com or wordpress.com where you can post your content articles. once you are ready with your

  77. and internet connection can set up a

    blog without having to pay anything. even beginners can set up a blog without having technical knowledge. wordpress and blogger are the giant sites when it comes to free blogging platforms. they are both very popular with people. so which one

  78. may charge as little as $20 per

    article, assuming you have an ongoing relationship and are asking for articles to be posted on a regular basis.you could also have more than one person write posts. they do not have to all have the same tone but they should

  79. to get a few clicks from the

    passing traffic. i get these comments all the time on my blog, and wonder why the commenter bothered. i just delete the posts because they add nothing to the conversation, or, worse yet, are a blatant attempt at promoting someone’s site

  80. become a resource for anyone who wants

    to know more about your company or its products. create a deeper and richer base of keywords for which your site will be ranked. users searching for a broader array of terms will find your site more often among the listings

  81. even take these courses online. depending on

    the program, students may be able to take multi-disciplinary courses that incorporate poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction. they may also be able to take individual courses that apply to specific interests. for instance, students who have always wa…

  82. if you want to be a writing

    expert, you need to deliver the goods to your target audience. provide them with useful and informative information that will help them solve their many pressing issues. make sure to provide examples and steps for them to follow. a great blog

  83. i’ve written many pillar articles in the

    last few years and this one stands out to me. personal opinion posts are very engaging and give your readers something to think about while visiting your blog. write blog posts that are controversial. controversy is huge for driving traffic to

  84. 10 blogs that are attracting your potential

    clients.communicate with the top 10 bloggers in your niche. next step is to email other bloggers to express your interest in being their guest blogger. the key to convincing them is giving them valid reason to say yes. you must provide

  85. you, they will surely help you promote

    your blog.building relationships – guest blogging or getting guest bloggers for your site builds relationship. it also increases your network and your audience.as part of a marketing strategy, you want to guest blog on sites that have high traffic and…

  86. writing skillsthere is a lot of demand

    in the online writing marketplace for seo experts, but there is also a growing demand for professionals with social media writing skills. companies are relying more and more on social networks such as facebook and twitter to promote and market their

  87. web users are easily redirected to the

    material. often a company wants to promote products or services, but must compete with hundreds of other businesses online. knowing where to place key or searched words within the text and knowing the proper length is one aspect. the other is

  88. holds an endless supply of treasures. the

    secret to accessing these treasures is to relax and allow it to flow out of you without judging it. focusing on what you’re “supposed to” be doing to get it “right” is guaranteed to cramp your writing flow.so, how can a

  89. threatening to raise the scales of unemployment

    by approximately two to three percent, depending upon how severe it is going to be. this suggests that almost five million americans will either loose their jobs, or face unemployment. however, the educated workers are not included in this group, becau…

  90. people search for answers already given to

    similar queries before posting a new question, and when a ‘newbie’ posts they get responses fired at them to search the forum for answers first. or are you more tolerant, and encourage individual replies? it might take more time repeating the

  91. writer knows how keywords, seo and sales

    copy work, so they’re able to help you achieve your goals with the article submissions.- it takes the work of writing off of your hands, and this can be a major time saver. while it might take you days to write

  92. skills. inculcate information that is relevant to

    the subject.the best way to write blogs is to get involved and simply start writing and posting them. when one can undertake blog writing seriously, one will start producing quality blogs since the time of realization. so, just start writing blog

  93. can easily make your shake at home

    with readily available supplements and save your limbs.the ingredients in the best post workout supplement would be:1. whey protein 2. creatine 3. dextrosenow many people think they should be making their post workout shakes with milk, this is false. m…

  94. there are three easy steps you can

    take to counter this problem, gain followers and fill that comments section.step one – keep it simplekeeping your posts simple is the easiest way to keep your message clear and on-topic throughout.this is easier said than done. for a really compelling

  95. answering letters and e-mails, and writing press

    releases. small and home businesses as well as organizations hire virtual assistants and pay them by the hour. you can do most of these jobs online, from the comfort of your home, part-time or full-time. as a virtual assistant, you can

  96. is easier to use.step 3. launch your

    blog with at least ten articles. you don’t want people to think you are just starting out. you want them thinking that you have established some authority in your niche. a blog that looks like you are still building it is

  97. youtube stars and other online video personalities,

    and it was an amazing chance for me to meet some of the most successful people in that industry and learn from those who know the most about it.attending these kinds of conferences and meet-ups can motivate you to pull your

  98. top ten blogs in your niche and

    find out what they are writing about. chances are that they will have a good of which topics you should be writing about. make sure that you do not copy people’s content though. this will make you look bad, as well

  99. – there’s no need.eye catching, bold, relevant

    and entertaining images add value and interest to your blog. pictures within a post can deliver information, break up text to make the post more readable, give a touch of color or humor and even bring in traffic and improve overall

  100. worth all the work.so how do you

    make a quality professional blog? first and foremost you will need to start adding content for readers to see. if you manage to get any visitors to your site in the early days and have very little or no content then

  101. one day after spending time, money and

    energy writing content in order to get website traffic, to find that your site no longer exists. choosing the software from the outset, prevents any upset. only you will make the decisions on what happens to your blog, by deciding on

  102. easy to use. even if you are

    not tech-savvy, you can simply follow the instructions in setting up your own blog. two, you are in-charge of the content that you put in your blog. this allows you to share a lot of useful information to your readers. third,

  103. you are writing an article then it

    needs to have a fantastic headline, gripping intro and a good ending, but web page content needs to be concise and engage the reader immediately. identify the reasons why you are writing the content, what it is for and then plan

  104. answering letters and e-mails, and writing press

    releases. small and home businesses as well as organizations hire virtual assistants and pay them by the hour. you can do most of these jobs online, from the comfort of your home, part-time or full-time. as a virtual assistant, you can

  105. a good quality writer. a good article

    writer is the one who writes quality content within a specific timeframe and produces original work. the internet has solved the problem of how to choose a good article writer as you can find many article writers online. these writers produce

  106. means that the person whom they are

    reading is dedicated to that topic and has a lot to say on it and there is always something new to be learned. search engines like consistency, as well, because it’s the mark of a frequently updated and relevant website.when you

  107. the most important or the most interesting

    idea in the lead or introduction. since the lead is the first material your readers will encounter, it should be strong enough to urge them to read your piece. reserve some equally striking or appealing ideas for your conclusion. the conclusion

  108. deciding what to do about it. any

    blog worth its salt will require a lot of time, work, and attention. yes, it does take time to learn how to properly set up a brand new blog. you can do a lot with three powerful blogging tips, and as

  109. be narrow in scope and will cover

    only specific topics. but there is a specific advantage of choosing topics where a writer specializes. it will not only increase the speed of writing but also help the writer to provide high quality articles to the article providing services. choosing

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