Cilt Kanseri Nasıl Erken Teşhis Edilir?

Cilt kanserinin erken teşhisi için benleri takip etmek gerektiğini söyleyen Dr. Lütfiye Çoban, “Eski bir benin renk değiştirmesi, büyüklüğünün artması, üzerinde kabarıklık, kanama olması ya da yara açılması cilt kanseri işareti olabilir” diyor.


Benler bazen güzelliği tamamlayan bir unsur olsa da zaman zaman cilt kanserleri açısından öneme sahip olabiliyor. Benler, vücutta doğuştan var olabildiği gibi sonradan da oluşabiliyor.


Benlerin büyüklüğünde, şekil ya da renginde görülen herhangi bir değişikliğin iyi takip edilmesi gerektiğini söyleyen Memorial Antalya Hastanesi Dermatoloji Bölümü’nden Uzm. Dr. Lütfiye Çoban, benler konusunda nelere dikkat edilmesi gerektiğini şöyle açıklıyor:


35 yaşından sonra çıkan benlere dikkat!

“Cilt kanseri açısından benler iki yönden önem taşır: Melanom türü deri kanserleri ilk evresinde yeni çıkan bir ben gibi algılanabilir. İkinci olarak da daha önceden varolan benlerden bazı deri kanserleri gelişebilir. Deriye renk veren hücrelerin kanseri olan ‘melanom’ deri kanserleri içinde en ciddi seyirli olanı ve tüm kanser türleri arasında, artış hızı en hızlı olan kanserdir. Böylesine önemli bir hastalığın erken tanı ile tam tedavisi ise mümkündür.


Melonom hastalarının yarıdan daha az kısmında, hastalık eski bir ben üzerinden gelişir. Eski bir benin renk değiştirmesi, büyüklüğünün artması, üzerinde kabarıklık, kanama olması ya da yara açılması melanom için işaret olabilir. Bunun yanında yeni ben oluşumunun hayatın ilk 30 yılında gerçekleştiği unutulmamalı, bu nedenle 35 yaşından sonra çıkan yeni benler önemsenmelidir.


50 yaş üstü herkes deri muayenesi olmalı

Tüm kanserlerde olduğu gibi cilt kanserinde de erken tanı çok önemlidir. Erken tanı için yeni ben çıkıp çıkmadığı, eski benlerde değişiklik olup olmadığına dikkat edilmelidir. Eski benlerde görülen asimetri, benlerin kenarlarında düzensizlik, renk değişikliği, ben çapının 6 mm’den büyük olması, kaşınma, kanama, ağrıma, üzerinde yara açılması gibi değişikliklerin görülmesi durumunda dermatoloji uzmanına başvurulmalıdır. 50 yaşın üzerinde olanlar, vücudunda 50’nin üzerinde ben olanlar, ailesinde melanom öyküsü bulunanlar, daha önce melanom geçirmiş olanlar ya da diğer türde cilt kanseri geçirenler, yılda bir kez deri muayenesi olmalıdır.


Vücudunuzda bulunan benleri tanıyın

Vücuttaki benlerin yerlerinin bilinmesi, yapılarının tanınması çok önemlidir. Bunun için yer ve yapılarını tanıyana kadar haftada bir kez daha sonra ise 1-2 ay aralarla kendi kendine ben muayenesi yapılmalıdır. İyi aydınlanan bir odada, bir adet boy aynası ve bir adet el aynası yardımı ile yeni çıkan benlerin olup olmadığına ve eski benlerdeki değişikliklere dikkat edilmelidir.


Vücut, bölgelere ayrılarak incelenmelidir. Ağız içi, kulak içi ve arkası, koltukaltı, parmak araları gibi bölgeler unutulmamalıdır. Sırt ve bacakların arka kısmı için el aynasının yardımına başvurulmalıdır. Saç dipleri için aile bireylerinden yardım alınabilir. Daha sonraki muayenelere kılavuz olması bakımından bir şema üzerine işaretlemeler yapılabilir.


Benler doktor tarafından nasıl kontrol edilir?

Muayenede dermatoloji uzmanı genel olarak tüm benleri değerlendirdikten sonra ‘dermatoskopi’ adı verilen deri yüzey mikroskobisi ile şüpheli benleri detaylı olarak inceler. Dijital dermatoskopi deri yüzey mikroskobisidir. Benlerin 20-70 kat kadar büyütülerek alınan görüntüsünün yüksek çözünürlüklü bir bilgisayar ortamında değerlendirilmesini sağlar. Bu görüntüler arşivlenir ve her kontrolde eski ve yeni görüntüyü karşılaştırarak yeni oluşan bir beni veya eski bir bendeki değişikliği takip ederek melanomun erken tanısı mümkün olur.”

93 Yanıt

  1. so be careful when choosing. read everything

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  2. your application. 2. it could cost you

    the opportunity for a job promotion. writing errors could reflect a lack of attention to detail for an upper level position. 3. it could cost you a marketing opportunity for funding or advertising on behalf of your company or organization. 4.

  3. to solve their day to day problems,

    providing helpful articles will lure potential customers to their site. among the effective ways to achieve such is by link-building, posting of forums, having a press release, and posting articles in their business site. all these require a skilled wr…

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    things when opportunities come. the worst that could happen is that they would say no. that is not something to die for, right? this is why you should be a go-getter. take risks and you will be surprised with all the

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    are active, or to organize data, but forget hiring writers. i’d much rather pay more to an american.why don’t i hire foreign writers any more?good writing comes from more than an understanding of the english language. it comes from understanding seo,

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    blog owners from your niche. contact blog owners by simply e-mailing them or leaving a polite note on their blogs stating your intention of exchanging links with them. as a budding entrepreneur you may like to promote your business online using

  8. to become a better blog post writer.keep

    an eye on what is happening howthe beauty of blogging is that blogs as usual focus on news or events happening in the whole world. the first very important tip for every blog article writer is to write about currently discussed

  9. to the topics that you would like

    to cover on your posts. you would want to know the information that’s already out there so you can figure out how you can make your posts unique or way better. also, interview other experts if you think that there’s a

  10. hit ‘update’ wordpress will send a new

    ‘ping’. you may think this is good, it is not. too much ‘pinging’ can in fact go against you. google may think you are spamming and trying to get index really fast for naughty reasons. so you could in fact be

  11. for blogs in your niche search for

    top blogs on google or use stumble upon. stumble upon is great because you can search in your niche and it’s easy to find popular pages with great content and they are often blogs. start compiling your list of blogs so

  12. is to stand above the crowd of

    other candidates. briefly describing the context of other jobs is just one additional way to stand out.another important detail that does not need to be included in your resume is the address of previous employers. name and city will suffice in

  13. traffic and readership is to write articles

    that teach a specific skill. go into great detail about the skill and show them how they can use it to their advantage. teaching how to solve problems is probably the best way to increase traffic to your business online.don’t use

  14. into leads and sales for your business.â·

    guest blogging on your blogâ· guest blogging on other blogsâ· article marketingguest blogging on your blog – by allowing other people to write content for you blog can save you time by not having to write you own content. this can

  15. articles or other people. they are also

    trained on different aspects of keyword density. some types of articles require minimal keyword density while others work best with a maximum keyword density. writing an article that uses a two-word keyword seventeen times can be challenging, but when…

  16. makes me a writer. it’s the fact

    that people read this blog and actually benefit from it that supports my claim that i am a writer.a writer is someone who can explain different topics in language that the average person can understand.this truly is a skill that not

  17. have a big blog you are ready

    to make some money. a great way to make money is to build an e-mail list. you can do this by offering a free report or something along those lines. just get out there and go for it! blogging is one

  18. be able to educate, entertain your readers

    and also help to solve their should try as much as possible to write your articles with correct spelling and grammar. for a good and well written article will boost your reputation as an expert in your niche. as more

  19. your business to heights you probably don’t

    believe are possible right now, using very simple marketing methods that work in just about every niche under the sun. curious to know more? continue reading as we take a closer look below:filed under: the builders blueprinti truly believe that this

  20. Official Regenerative Institute Vimeo Channel.

    The Regenerative Leadership Institute is the nation’s sustainable living, leadership and permaculture design school. We reconnect people with nature, remembering our collective heritage and creating a beautiful, thriving future. Join us and let’s cha…

  21. other online writers. if you aren’t presently

    a professional writer you will probably need instruction to step up to this level.there are lots of good online courses you can take to become skillful as a copywriter. angela booth is an excellent instructor to consider.5. e-mail messages. among the

  22. is the link to your blog. after

    some time, and if your comments are perceived as valuable and interesting, people will start to click in your link. again, it’s time for the conversion game. if you have a good reason for people to join your list, then it

  23. the facts, doing some research to get

    familiar with them is the first order of is also important to have all supporting facts readily available, as well as any other sources of the information. once a post is written, there is nothing wrong with revising it as

  24. audience – your audience are the people

    that are going to love and follow your content or quickly reject it and move onto the next author. therefore, it is vital you get to know your audience and make sure you know what they want and what they want

  25. so the reader gets a pure idea

    of what you mean.• eliminate the clutter – sometimes we overuse descriptive words. if a sentence can be read without a word, it is likely adding nothing to the meaning; eliminate it.• read it aloud – when reading aloud we make

  26. does not win. 6. a legal paperwork

    error could be a headache to try to resolve favorably or could cost you a tremendous amount of money to fix. 7. if you are submitting a manuscript for publication, editors will quickly reject and discard documents containing errors in spelling,

  27. to know the guidelines before writing any

    content. this will ensure that your articles will be approved.when using article marketing to attract traffic you need to avoid promotional content. most article directories will not accept this type of content. your visitors will want to read somethin…

  28. Official Regenerative Institute Vimeo Channel.

    The Regenerative Leadership Institute is the nation’s sustainable living, leadership and permaculture design school. We reconnect people with nature, remembering our collective heritage and creating a beautiful, thriving future. Join us and let’s cha…

  29. the readers to get bored with an

    article that is too long with all the redundant words used all throughout. a good article should be between 300-750 words the best seo writer that you can be. follow all the guidelines listed above and you’ll never go wrong.

  30. on blogger and wordpress you can customize

    your blog and change the colors background picture and fonts and sizes as you please putting thought,time,and effort into making a suitable design will make your site look more professional and people will enjoy reading your content. the background sho…

  31. few of the opportunities that await you.

    many worry that they don’t have the skills to move to the highly competitive online market. if you are a good writer there is a need for your skills! there are thousands upon thousands of people claiming to be writers and

  32. be the volume of writing you’ll be

    able to produce.a good writing retreat will have all the elements that can completely rejuvenate your life and help you pursue your writing dreams. church sites and mei love to build church sites. church websites, christian websites, christian organisa…

  33. come to know about the existence of

    the contents hoisted. in result the website will get recognition online as desired.importance of article writing seo article writing is important for the website because – • it will be relevant to the target keyword and search engines will lead th…

  34. and subscribe to their rss so you

    are notified every time they make a post. look at their new posts and see if you can write something about the same thing. offer your own insights on what they are writing about and you should have some good content.the

  35. of time because they still only have

    a small group following them and never get any interactions. the problem isn’t with facebook. the problem is with you not understanding how to use it. here are a few things i have learned.if you own a business, facebook needs to

  36. get more followers to your twitter list.there’s

    a site called “social oomph” that you will want to sign up for also. you have to pay a small fee to access its primary features, but i think it’s worth it if you want to put your twitter marketing on

  37. to help, but be respectful, and contact

    the blogger to ask permission to use their content. you can always comment on their post if you want to elaborate on the subject, that is what the comment section is for. something extremely important, be aware in reading and adding

  38. a consideration.* customization – you want to

    be able to make your blog look and feel exactly like you want it to without a ton of work, time and money.* reputation – you want a platform that’s going to be around for years and years to come so

  39. the reader interested in reading the whole write a good blog post you just follow a disciplined step by step procedure. a good post is just a reflection of how creative a writer can be with a simple set of words. there are certain points to keep

  40. take a look at some of the

    more “famous” blogs and you’ll get a sense of what it takes. you should never copy a famous writer’s technique, but you should take note of the author’s style so you know what works. if you can learn what makes a

  41. “a day in the life of __________”encourage

    students to model desired behaviorsstudents won’t always respond to a writing prompt out of the blue, but they will feel more comfortable with their written voice, when you allow students to see the “real” you at all times. the hardest thing

  42. one. just writing your blog is not

    enough, you have to be able to attract attention to it or else you will have something that no one else reads and you do not want that to happen. getting traffic on your blog is possible, you just have to

  43. be done in 10 minutes. as soon

    as you are done with the set-up, you can immediately start posting. moreover, if you want a designer’s touch to your blog, tons of blogger templates are available for free. on the other hand, installing wordpress can be a headache if

  44. search engines will not index you as

    a good one. to get your website more visible, you definitely need original write ups about your business activities on your website. this is why the need for a good web content writer is piling up.what else do you need a

  45. in a different part of the world,

    you are better prepared to accept foreign work. if you don’t have this broad background, you should be very careful about taking on the job. you may find yourself frustrated and your employer frustrated as well. the expression “a bitter taste

  46. and even combine it with the blogging

    platform to create a very good site indeed.not very many themes to change appearance:people will use software that only has a few different looks to it, which means there are lots of sites out there that will look the same, which

  47. action. – ask your reader to share

    and/or tweet your post. – let your reader know what’s coming up next and to subscribe for updates. – promote products and services. say, “and you might want to check out…”i sincerely hope that these tips and ideas that i have

  48. and it adds an even more personal

    touch. other highlights are “city of immigrants” and the haunting “oxycontin blues,” a ballad of a “hillbilly heroin” addict in the throes of the new drug. a tom waits cover is a nice way to finish the record as well.1. i’ll

  49. is there to help you get the

    best out of blogging. this is the blog platform that understand every human need very well as it does not only serve you with purely business intentions but also caters to your social needs to interact with your colleagues, friends and

  50. when we read a history of literature,

    we may notice that most great writers have a period of “apprenticeship” when they imitate the styles of other great writers. like playing the piano or painting, writing follows certain rules. in writers’ eyes, all literary classics share something i…

  51. working within an seo framework. so if

    you have knowledge of seo, your client will have more confidence in your ability to produce the type of content that is demanded.learn these seo writing tipssearch engine optimization is a vast subject, and one that is not limited to writing,

  52. this is because marketing enables you to

    achieve the desired web traffic so as to enhance profitability. blog posts are great for achieving your web ranking goals. however, it is essential to know how to write posts that are functional. one of the key factors that you should

  53. to found out if your content manager

    will be able to cope with such amount of work. if not, you will probably need a blogging service, rather than a freelance blogger.make your blogging cost-effectiveblog writing service providers are quite different. some of them have a set price and

  54. use wild and crazy colors, unless it

    is pertaining to your individual post. standard formatting is just fine and if your post is good it will keep them reading. use drop down menu’s, they do not clutter up your blog, they are easy to navigate and helps your

  55. them so that you have a clear

    understanding of each point, and you can easily frame sentences to explain them when you start writing.always have all the information ready before you start writing the actual post so that it does not break the flow. to make things easier

  56. extremely short. give people all the information

    they need within 450-650 words. surely you wouldn’t want your target audience to get tired of reading your blog and close your page. so make sure to get their attention from the very beginning of your post.3. make your headlines stand

  57. with soft colors. this makes a visitor

    want to read the blog instead of feeling like advertisement is being shoved in their face.2. the commitment to contentafter you have a theme and layout picked out for your blog, then you are ready to move on to the next

  58. try a static sign up form first

    and give it a month and see how it’s performing. if you’re not pleased with the results try using a pop-up form. many people find these extremely annoying, while some internet marketers report doubling their sign up rates. again you will

  59. of work. the more you implement these

    techniques, the more traffic you will get to your blog, and the more income you will make from your blog if you have monetized it correctly. i hope it all works out for you.good luck with getting lots of traffic to

  60. maintaining companies social media outlets and more!3.

    odesk – with more than 220,000 business seeking skilled writers this is one of my favorites. i find jobs immediately in my niche and they pay extremely well.4. go freelance – this is a paid membership site but i have included

  61. to browse through and get blog ideas.

    it is usually on the second page that i find my prize nuggets of information, on my topic of conversation to blog about. these are the websites with the “real jewels” of core problems people are having and need help solving.

  62. job will be in the company’s best

    interests.your objective statement should be part of accomplishing this goal. so you have a blog site and would like to market it and turn it into a successful blog. how would you make this happen? how will you go about getting

  63. leaving quality comments on other blogs also

    help you increase traffic on your blog. join a discussion board forum related to your industry with other blogger. try to visit at least 15-20 blogs daily and leave your comments there. after every comment, include a link to your blog

  64. article is called effective article writing –

    how to write a good article. so if someone goes to google and types in how to write a good article, it will most likely be directed to this article in the search results.2. aim for quality rather than quantity. a

  65. a successful seo blog is the ability

    to create separate pages and play with your permalink structure. permalinks are a critical part of how your seo blog gets indexed. google webmaster tools state that is far easier for google to” know” what your page or site is about

  66. some have a small one time entrance

    fee, and some have monthly fees. an excellent starting place is to do a simple search for affiliate programs, and peruse the list for those which might be just right for what you are trying to accomplish. one advantage of an

  67. to your blog post digg your own

    articles pick a few forums with high page rank, setup a nice profile with links to your blog and post in those forums syndicate your blog’s rss feedand a thousand other things, the short of it though is just don’t stop

  68. great example of a top post is

    50 most influential people in blogging 2010 from incomediary with over 373 facebook shares, 90 comments and over 240 retweets.conclusionnot every post will go viral, but if you have planned your article properly, implemented certain strategies and made…

  69. to interact and talk with your readers,

    not just at them. a successful blogger is in touch with his/her readers. they form relationships and don’t have a post it and forget it mentality. being in touch with your community in this sense can actually help all of the

  70. on a tablespoon of peanut butter. the

    other great thing about rice cakes is the fact that they contain very little calories and they fill you up quickly and keep you full. the proper portion of rice cakes to have is 1-2, as one rice cake contains about

  71. is insert the code onto your blog,

    and then start getting traffic to it so that you can maximize the amount of money that you can make with thing that you will definitely want to do once you get set up is to write high quality content.

  72. include:personalization: wordpress themes are diverse and many.

    a few styles will even make your blog appear to be a web-based newspaper. characteristics: wordpress end users were able tons of “plugins” which will enhance the functionality of your blog and help you produce the most from your website.even so,

  73. writing and learn to formulate a thesis

    statement to bring the entire paper together.typical class many english composition classes around the country work around a community type base. a community type of a class means that students read their pieces of writing and get to hear constructive…

  74. material that users will appreciate. here’s how

    you go about it.what’s a template?simply put, it’s a standardised outline of a document that you can use over and over again for similar purposes.why create one?”re-inventing the wheel”, is no fun. if you work for a single organisation it’s likely

  75. best blog software is essential for your

    success. there are lots of programs available, some of them are paid for and others are free. when deciding on the best one to use, your choice should be based on the purpose of your blogging may decide that the

  76. frequently keeps the blog alive and up

    to date and on the cutting edge. there is nothing worse than landing on a blog and the last post was submitted 6 months ago. this gives the impression that the blogger has lost interest and given up? that does not

  77. of writings which is available to show

    others your skills. adding new skills learned to your portfolio will increase the value of the documentation available to others.take the best writing pieces and add them to your portfolio file. if you have recently learned how to create press releases…

  78. into your article. you can be clever,

    funny or intriguing in your title. let people know what your blog post is about in the first few sentences.the rest of your post needs to be well written and interesting enough that your readers will stay on the page until

  79. it. no, i never said innovation would

    be easy, and it’s hard enough to just be a creative sort of individual, but that is merely the starting point. indeed i hope you will please consider all this and think on it. if you have any comments, concerns, or

  80. own home at your own time? indeed,

    as more and more people are relying on the internet for information, answers and solutions to their problems and shopping dilemmas, there also emerged a great number of opportunities for people to find legitimate ways to make money online.if you are

  81. i’ve seen many bloggers get great results

    just because their title was above and beyond what most people would write. make sure that it is compelling to read and captures the attention of your target audience right away. use words that target the emotions and cause people to

  82. other online writers. if you aren’t presently

    a professional writer you will probably need instruction to step up to this level.there are lots of good online courses you can take to become skillful as a copywriter. angela booth is an excellent instructor to consider.5. e-mail messages. among the

  83. a tool to promote your blog. twitter,

    facebook and google+ are great places to advertise your blog and get traffic to your site. you can put teasers on these social media sites with a link to your website and this will attract more attention to your site and

  84. can make youtube is always nice

    to find you have gained a lot of viewers while you were sleeping. this is the beauty of youtube as it is universally well known.keep in mind these strategies in your youtube marketing:make use of the communitymillions of people worldwide use

  85. to access my blog and translate it

    into their own far as statistics go, i don’t need to use an ad tracker because blogger does that too. it tracks all the hits, lets me know where they are from, where the hit originated from geographically and even

  86. i wanted what it had to offer

    – skill; so i made sure to read every the end of all of that i realized i was not a good writer. i was mediocre at best. even though the information i wrote was good and useful, the way

  87. no hype, no games, just some extra

    income.think of all you have to share from your years of experience. why not turn that knowledge into a way to make money as a blogger? mba or masters in business administration is continuously growing in demand for many have seen

  88. today. even if you’re not a technical

    person, you can still use google adsense. the fastest way to start earning money with google adsense is by getting a blog, and marketing your blog to get more traffic to it.there is no technical knowledge required to make money with

  89. another very effective method of gaining online

    recognition and making money is to join a reputable and reliable web content provider company. it will be good to check out whether the site has high volume traffic movements and are doing well online.following the guidelines of the company after

  90. followings. this increases your chances of directing

    others to your blog and getting your brand known. as a tip, target media sites and associations, find blogs who you like and would like to know. if you want to ask a blogger to guest at your site, start building

  91. story but leave you feeling differently about

    it? as we all know, some people just have the ability to use reflections and pauses to affect the right response from the listener. the same is true for writing as the tone, organization, and style can engage or put the

  92. opportunities.passingnothing gets a coach more frustrated than

    for a passer to miss a wide open teammate, especially one next to the rim. post passing is a skill in itself and should be practiced. just because you are a good passer doesn’t mean you are a good post passer.

  93. a banging introduction. something that’s explosive or

    something that incites curiosity would be great. people like to search for something they think is interesting.furthermore, your wordpress blogs appeal to certain readers-only. you’re not writing an encyclopedia. know your niche. wordpress offers free…

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