Erkekler hangi estetik ameliyatları yaptırıyor?

Erkeklerde en fazla yapılan ameliyat, burun estetiği. Ardından meme estetiği geliyor…

Estetik ve Plastik Cerrahi Uzmanı Prof. Dr. Erol Kışlaoğlu, günümüzde estetik cerrahinin sunduğu imkânlarla bir insanı adeta baştan aşağı yenilemenin mümkün olduğunu söyleyerek, kadın ve erkeklerin; güzel, genç ve dikkat çekici görünmek için estetiğin tüm nimetlerinden yararlandığını ifade etti.

Erkeklerde en fazla yapılan ameliyatın, tıpkı kadınlarda da olduğu gibi buruna uygulanan estetik olduğunu açıklayan Kışlaoğlu, “Genelde genç kesim yani 18- 25 yaş grubu erkekler, burun ameliyatı yaptırıyor. Mevsimsel olarak bakıldığında ise, erkeklerde en fazla istenen ameliyat jinekomasti yani meme büyümesi ameliyatı” dedi.

Estetik ve Plastik Cerrahi Uzmanı Prof. Dr. Erol Kışlaoğlu, konuyla ilgili sorularımızı için yanıtladı.

Erkeklerin memeleri neden büyür?

Bunun birçok nedeni var. En önemlisi hormonal nedenlerden kaynaklanan meme büyümesi. Başta östrojen ve progesteron olmak üzere, hormonlar meme dokusunun karmaşık biyolojik denetimini yönetiyorlar. Bu nedenle ameliyat edilmeden önce hormon tetkikleri yapılarak, öncelikle hormona dayalı sorun tedavi edilmelidir.

Diğer neden ise geçirilen bazı hastalıklardır. Siroz gibi ağır karaciğer bozuklukları olan hastalarda meme büyümesi oldukça sık görülür. Bazı ilaçlar da hormonları etkileyerek jinekomastiye neden olabilir. Örneğin; bir zamanlar çok kullanılan mide ilacı (cimetidin) jinekomasti yapabilir. Aşırı şişmanlığa bağlı olarak ortaya çıkan meme büyümesi ise en çok karşılaşılan durumlardandır. Şişmanlık yani kötü beslenme koşullarına bağlı jinekomasti her yaşta görülebilmekte. Örneğin, vücut yapısı normal olan bir erkeğin vücut çalışması sonunda aldığı kilo artmış veya ani olarak azalmışsa bu bölgelerde, aniden yağdan zengin bir meme oluşumu görülür.


Erkekte jinekomasti (meme büyümesi) ameliyatı nasıl yapılır?

Jinekomasti ameliyatı, plastik cerrahın veya hastanın seçimine bağlı olarak genel veya lokal anestezi altında, günlük cerrahi ameliyat olarak uygulanan bir girişim. Eğer büyüyen meme bezi yumuşak ve yağlı ise sadece liposuction yeterli olabilir. Ama sert ve büyük jinekomastilerin açık teknik ile çıkarılması gerekiyor. Meme ucunun altında, daire ile renkli kısmın birleşme hattında yarım daire şeklinde bir kesik yapılıyor ve meme bezi buradan çıkarılıyor. Son dönemde keserek almak yerine, içeride yağ ve meme dokusunu eritip almak daha iyi çözüm sağlayan yöntem.

Uygulama süresi ve günlük hayata dönüş

Operasyon süresi ortalama bir saat, ağrılı bir ameliyat olmadığından hastanede yatmayı gerektirmiyor. Hastalar 1-2 gün içinde normal hayatına dönebilir, hasta aynı gün evine gider ve ertesi gün çalışmaya başlayabilir.

Erken dönemde morluk ve şişlik, ameliyat bölgesinde uyuşukluk hemen her hastada görülen rahatsızlıklardır. Fakat bir haftadan sonra morluklar geçer. Jinekomasti düzeltilmesi fazla ağrılı bir işlem değildir. Basit ağrı kesicilerle ağrı engellenir. Ancak tenis, yüzme gibi göğüs adalelerinin fazla kullanıldığı sporlara geçici bir süre ara vermek gerekir. Jinekomasti ameliyatıyla meme dokusunun alınmasının zararı veya yan etkisi yoktur. Hastaların görünümünü bozan bu fiziksel problemi ortadan kaldırıldığından dolayı sosyal hayatında kendine güveni artar.

Sarkmalar oluşmaz

Erkeklerin derileri daha sıkıdır. O bölgelerde pek sarkma olmaz. Bir-iki ayda tamamen deri kendini toplar. İlk bir haftadan sonra şişlik gider. Ameliyattan sonra aşırı kilo alınmadığı sürece göğüslerde büyüme görülmez.

Hormonal ya da şişmanlık kaynaklı meme dokusu bozulmaları için de aynı tedavi mi uygulanır?

Tedavide küçük farklılıklar olabilir. Daha ileri yaşta, yağdan zengin olan meme dokusunda, sadece liposuction yaptırmak büyük oranda yeterlidir. Ama daha erken yaşlarda jinekomasti de, liposuction da yetmeyebilir. Bu durumda, meme dokusunun çıkartılması gerekebilir.

Erkek memelerini küçültüp kas oluşturmak

Bu işlemle erkek memelerini küçülttüklerini belirten Kışlaoğlu, “Ancak kişi kas istiyorsa, bunu kendisi spor yaparak gerçekleştirmelidir” diye konuştu. “Meme dokusunun arkasında zaten kas vardır. Ayrıca isteğe bağlı olarak ileri düzeyde kas görüntüsü veren protezler de konabilir. Bu silikon protezler kollara, meme bölgesine, sırta ya da vücudun diğer kas görüntüsü veren bölgelerine uygulanabilir, baldırlara da konabilir.”

Meme büyümesinin erkeklerde psikolojik olarak sıkıntı yarattığını söyleyen Prof Dr. Erol Kışlaoğlu, bu operasyonla çok iyi sonuçlar elde ettiklerini belirtti.

99 Yanıt

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    in the motoring sector may have produced promotional material for a manufacturer of road bollards. the expert who says that they have an excellent understanding of modern music theory, may have promoted the album of a 1970s folk singer. as the

  50. maybe it’s best not to blog at

    all… and instead, simply become hyper active on facebook and twitter. is this a better idea for building my brand, and my business?in this article we are going to take a quick look at what i believe is the very best

  51. over 20 successful ebooks. how would you

    define “success” when it comes to ebooks?it depends. i have some projects that have made hundreds of thousands of dollars in sales, and others have only made 10k. yet i consider them both successful, because in the 10k example, i only

  52. financial experts would suggest you not to

    put any daily living expenses on your credit for many reasons. typically, this habit becomes problematic for people that tend to under budget and overspend. but when you are trying to re-establish good credit, making a large purchase is never a

  53. them so that you have a clear

    understanding of each point, and you can easily frame sentences to explain them when you start writing.always have all the information ready before you start writing the actual post so that it does not break the flow. to make things easier

  54. and it will pull content via rss

    from the websites that you choose and place them onto your blog as posts. as long as they have an rss feed of course. great for news type of blogs. use this alongside your own content then you have a winning

  55. be able to use widgetbox, i

    did a search for a more user friendly, more accessible blog with greater functionality and more potential to maximise traffic. i signed up for quite a few and then i found something that said – try blogger. so, i did. i

  56. own right. until finally they create a

    chapter, a manuscript, or an entire book.what allowed me to see that i was a writer, and not a good writer, was learning how to become a better writer. i wanted to start working on a number of books that i

  57. write on all those topics. so, it

    is best to choose a few of the niches that you can write or are comfortable in writing. this makes you feel confident about writing on a particular topic with necessary research. whether you can write product reviews, or medicine and

  58. why i enjoy (nay love) wordpress.first and

    foremost, it’s so easy to use. when you first approach learning how to use it, it may seem bewildering. i have been using xsitepro for years and felt daunted by wordpress until i actually stopped watching all the videos available on

  59. general public and catch the attention of

    current and prospective writing clients are all smart ways to remain relevant and fresh about one’s writing talent. promoting your blog is probably the hardest part of the business. many people have what it takes to start a blog, to keep

  60. most individuals on the web will think-“oh,

    i don’t have time to read all of that today.” always be reader friendly. the general consensus about bankruptcy and credit is that you can kiss any chance of having good credit good bye. most people don’t realize that by the

  61. from a traffic exchange because your traffic

    will readily buy his, and his will buy yours), then seek him/her out. and remember, in this business, you may have an actual product, you may not. but your primary product is your content.step 3: content planafter you’ve poured over your

  62. offering rss feeds for updates by the

    management since i knew who to address for my book publishing query and get inspired to write on fresh genres.good writing habit # 4 – i signed up for market listings and magazine a freelance writer, i realized early on

  63. is still some excellent money to be

    made as an accomplished writer online.there are tons of excellent writing forums that can help you with tips on writing online, as well as networking with other professionals in your field and potential clients. if you are a skilled writer, even

  64. same topic area that have more traffic

    then you do. you want to leave thoughtful comments on their posts. you can leave a link to the blog that you created with your comment. this is a way to help to generate traffic to your site. this is a

  65. a traditional web site. a standard blog

    will have a list of posts with the most current post at the top, and the rest below or included in the archive. but if you want some information always readily available then adding in additional pages is the way to

  66. have spent many hours staring into the

    computer screen wondering what to write about. i was then introduced to a few strategies that have proved to work time and time again when i am trying to think of new blog ideas and topics to write about.before i get

  67. characters. it is his baby.i recently wrote

    the author regarding his angst. an angst that goes far in explaining what i mean by gaining the technical skills. here in part is my response:”i completely understand your “anxiety” and do try to remain true to what i sense is

  68. have excellent writing ability, but you will

    need more than that. you will have to know something about search engine optimization, or seo for short, because many clients are looking for writers with knowledge of seo. you may also have to learn social media writing writing style

  69. nights and endless research to be done.

    your blog writer will take care of it. you will have more time to focus your attention on larger tasks.hire a blog writer and you will find yourself being able to tackle all the other things on your to do list.

  70. bond with your readers and that is

    always good. add photos from holidays and make your blog personal, it’s easy to make a great blog that people can see is about you. add a profile picture to your blog and make it look better in the process. no

  71. traffic.visit this page to learn why you

    shouldn’t rely on online marketing to build your business. as a blog writer you may have experienced how hard it is to always get fresh idea for writing a blog. at least there are two tools that you can use for

  72. or company information blogs can be a

    critical component of their information gathering. additionally, blogging establishes you as a thought leader, an expert – someone who doesn’t just participate in conversations, but initiates them. so, what does it take to be a good b2b blogger?focus…

  73. that may make your search for a

    good article service company go smoother. one thing you could try is to ask your colleagues about this type of service and see what recommendations they might be able to give you. if you know other people who have a business

  74. and feel her best in public.   jewelrysince

    my cancer journey i have discovered jewelry of every style, color and shape.   each piece helps brighten my day.  i found my post-chemo short hair looks cool with dangly earrings. but rings provide a challenge for me, a lymphed…

  75. using their own words. google loves originality.

    original articles are unique, and also you can express your thoughts with ease.#13 blogging mistake- concentrating on the blog design having a beautiful and appealing blog design is wonderful, however some bloggers dwell so much on the blog design that…

  76. articles need to have the following attributes.

    • they should be informative, educative, and entertaining; • articles should be easy to understand and not too technical and complicated for the average viewer; • they should be original and be good in grammar, spelling, and punctuation;…

  77. important distinction. in sci-fi there are no

    wizards, no magic, no nymphs or elves or fairies. fantasy is wonderful; this is not a rant against it. but let’s let fantasy be fantasy, call a moose a moose, and give sci-fi its due.the thing i find so thrilling about

  78. writing jobs in a week! i also

    found useful tips for bagging writing contracts, choosing a literary agent, negotiating writing assignments and winning book deals besides links for writing competitions across various genres at the blogs of top writers.good writing habit # 3 – i signe…

  79. text thousands of messages a month. i

    see people texting while shopping, while eating, during a movie, while driving, and i am sure many fall asleep texting.text messaging is particularly popular among teens and they have developed their own language, a form of shorthand that allows for ab…

  80. of a technical writer is to help

    the user in understanding the usage of a product in as little words and as simply as possible. articles that use extremely technical terms to explain the products and services fail to achieve that purpose and are therefore dismissed as poor

  81. a creative, fulfilling and relatively easy one

    – compared to getting published, that is!to ensure writing success is not a flash in the pan kind of thing, even the best writers must combine some amount of aggressive marketing and integrate self-promotion, even if they don’t quite care for

  82. about the style of writing and general

    mind set a good blog article writer must have. as i have already told you, every great blogger is interested in hot trends, today’s news and everlasting questions, but not in yesterday garbage. make sure you write in good english and

  83. will find it a pleasure to write

    every day. when you are burned out, exhausted, sluggish and dull, writing will never be anything but a painful forget all you’ve heard about debauched writer’s drinking and doing drugs and not sleeping and living to the extremes. if you

  84. that is related, whether in a positive

    or negative way, to the current blog post. this will arouse reader curiosity and encourage responses. always acknowledge comments from blog readers. many bloggers find it tedious to reply to comments or simply lag behind in responding to comments, but…

  85. idea to be so vague in the

    terms of your giveaway. you need to state a definitive end date including month, day, and year. it is also a good idea to include the time that the giveaway closes. don’t include entrant eligibility information. there are many problems that

  86. commissions on each product she gets sold.

    commissions can be as high as 40 dollars per product. this means as a skilled online marketer you can earn as much as 400 dollars a day if in a day you get as many as 10 people to buy the

  87. means visits per day. i’m not talking

    about subscribers here, or social media followers. i’m talking about people who actually go and read something on that blog every should now be able to imagine how powerful blogger outreach can be for exposure. if no one has ever

  88. that reading the job description is very

    important. sometimes clients would like to hire somebody who is not only a skilled writer, but is also experienced in performing various online marketing or seo (search engine optimization) tasks. if you don’t have the skills needed for the job, bette…

  89. profilingas an alternative to the above two

    styles, it’s just a profile. pick someone in your niche and write about them, all you got to do is make a summary and let the world know what they are doing in your niche. you can tell everyone how that

  90. these writers advertise themselves on popular websites,

    many business owners have come to rely on the services provided by article marketing companies. this way, the business owner simply provides a bit of instruction about the subject matter and intended audience for an entire group of pre-screened writers…

  91. from the early years. governments and big

    business have entering the blogging world. blogs are now a focus of social media marketing and sales pitches. microblogging via twitter is currently today’s “big thing.” for some, the blog has lost its innocence and with it, much of its charm.

  92. exactly mean? let’s us say what you

    want to share is content. content may include any of the following, latest news around you, like job vacancies, exam and results declaration, admission or anything similar. tips and tricks with computer, gadgets like mobile, i pod, to just have fun

  93. help you sort through truths you can

    use when dealing with the modern-day obsession with beauty. like objects in a side-view mirror, beauty is closer than you think. just stop and consider the number of individual pages on the world wide web. the internet has millions of pages and

  94. most out of your blogging, keep reading.follow

    these proven methods for writing great blog posts:1. write for the readers. a good blog post will be written for the people reading it. what do they want to learn about? what are some things you could do to help them

  95. returning, a spell checked blog looks and

    fells more professional and will get more people coming back. depending on what website you are using to blog on it should have a spell check button on the top bar, on blogger and word press there is a spell-check button

  96. guiding college or night school coursessometimes,

    you will find that your learning style is better suited to a less formal environment. in this case, you may want to consider taking writing courses which are offered by community colleges and night schools. these, of course, will have the

  97. towards a common cause.often the first draft

    passes through many hands and eventually turns out to be very different from the initial one. it is a common adage, “two minds are better than one.” when several writers work together, the outcome is vibrant and exceptionally brilliant.through brain…

  98. much change, but just enough, in the

    grammar or the way it is presented. there is room for improvement in what is considered this sort of writing, this “good” type of writing.great writing: this is different this is where the writer has taken time and effort to put

  99. a subject or area you are good

    at and write about it, maybe you could blog about blogging, or talk about your dreams and what you think they mean.2. spell check and proof- read your work after you have finished. a blog with loads of spelling mistakes and

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