Normalde doğan her canlıda kalın bağırsağın dışarı açılan en son kısmında damar ağları mevcuttur. Anüs (makat) ve rektumda (kalın bağırsağın en son bölümü) bulunan ve hemoroidal damarlar denilen bu damar ağlarının vücudumuzda çok önemli görevleri vardır.

Aşağıda bu görevler sıralanmıştır;

– Normalde bu damar ağlarında biriken kan anüsün (makatın) tam kapanmasını sağlar.

Böylelikle hemoroidal damarlar, kişi istemli olarak anüsü kontrol eden kaslarını

kasmadığı halde, dışkılama kontrolünün sağlanmasına yardımcı olur.

– Anüsü çevreleyen kas kitlesinin (sfinkter) üzerinde koruyucu bir yastık tabakası işlevi sağlar. Dışkı anal kanaldan (makat)geçerken bu kasların direkt olarak dışkı ile teması hemoroidal damarlar ile korunur. Böylelikle her dışkılamada bu kasların hasar görmesi engellenmiş olur.

– Dinlenme ve uyku halinde anüsü (makat) tam kapatarak dışkının kilodu kirletmesine engel olur. Hemoroidal damarlar yerleşim yerine göre eksternal (dış) ve internal (iç) olarak ikiye ayrılmaktadır.

Anal Kanal ve Hemoroidal Damarlar

– Eksternal (dış) hemoroidler anüsün çevresinde gelişir ve ince bir deri ile kaplıdır..

– İnternal (iç) hemoroidler anüsün içinde gelişir.


Bazı kişilerde anüs (makat) ve rektum (kalın bağırsağın son bölümü) çevresinde bulunan hemoroidal damarlar aşırı derecede genişler ve anüsten dışarıya taşarlar. Örneğin Kabızlık şikayeti olan bireylerde dışkı sertleşir ve dışkılama işlevi zorlaşır. Birey bu sert dışkıyı boşaltmak için aşırı ıkınma ve zorlanmaya gerek duyar. Bu sırada anal kanalı örten tabaka ve damarlar zedelenir. Bu da damarlarda genişleme ve şişmeye neden olur. Damarlardaki bu genişleme ve şişmeye hemoroidal hastalık ya da kısaca hemortoid denir. Bu durumda damarlar normal işlevlerini yapamazlar ve bazen de ciddi şikayetlere neden olurlar. Bu belirti ve bulgular hangi hemoroidal grup hastalandı ise ona göre farklılık gösterir.

• Eksternal (dış) hemoroid anüsün çevresinde gelişir ve ince bir deri ile kaplıdır. Eğer bu damarların içinde bir kan pıhtısı oluşursa oldukça ağrılı olur. Hasta, makadının hemen yanında eline sert ve ağrılı şişliğin (memelerin) geldiğini söyler. Yırtıldıkları zaman kanama şikayetine neden olur.

• İnternal (iç) hemoroid anüsün içinde gelişir. Ağrısız kanama en önemli belirtisidir. Bazen iç hemoroidler dışkılama sırasında anüsten (makattan) dışarı çıkarlar ve hasta eline bir şişlik geldiğinden şikayet eder. Buna ek olarak dışkılama sırasında dışarı çıkan ve içeri girmeyen iç hemoroidler ağrıya neden olabilir.


Kesin nedeni bilinmemekle birlikte insanın, diğer canlılardan farklı olarak ayakta dik durması, makattaki toplardamarlara (anüsteki venlere) büyük bir basınç ve hacimde kan dolmasına neden olmaktadır. Bu da hastalığın gelişmesini kolaylaştıran bir etkendir.

Önemli diğer bir nedeni, beslenme alışkanlığıdır. Batı toplumunda 20. yüzyıldan itibaren endüstrinin gelişmesiyle beslenme alışkanlığı da değişmiştir. Sonuçta diyetteki lifli (posalı) yiyecekler azalmıştır. Oysa vücutta sindirilemeyen lifler, emilinceye kadar kitlesinin 30 katı kadar su çekmekte böylece bu kitlenin sindirimi zorlaşmaktadır. Böylelikle, kolay, zorlamadan ve ıkınmadan dışkılama yapılabilir. Aksi takdirde ıkınma ve zorlama bu bölgedeki basıncı daha artırır. Bunun sonucunda hemoroidal hastalık gelişebilir. Diyetsel lifli besinlerin kullanılmaması durumunda, hemoroid hastalığının görülme sıklığı da artmaktadır.

Çoğu insan, hemoroidi olmasına rağmen alışkanlıklarını değiştirmemektedir. Dışkılama alışkanlığının düzenli olmaması, dışkının sertleşmesine neden olur. Dışkılama sırasında ıkınma, tuvalette uzun zaman beklenmesi bu damarlardaki genişlemeyi arttırır. Katı ve sert olan dışkının makattan geçmesi sırasında bu damarlarda hasar oluşur. Bu nedenle de ağrı ve bazen de kanama meydana gelir.

Dışkılama alışkanlığını düzenlemede diğer önemli bir etken de içilen su miktarıdır. Günde en az 8-10 bardak su içilmesi gereklidir. Az miktarda su içmek kabızlığa neden olabilir. Kabızlık da ıkınmaya neden olacağı için hemoroide ait şikayetler artabilir.

Buna ek olarak hastalığın şiddetlenmesine neden olan faktörler şunlardır:

– yaş

– kronik (uzun süreli) Kabızlık veya ishal

– hamilelik

– genetik nedenler (kalıtsal)

– dışkılamayı kolaylaştıran ilaçların (laksatiflerin ve lavmanların) sık kullanımı

– dışkılamak için zorlu ve uzun süreli ıkınmalar

– tuvalette uzun zaman oturulması (gazete, kitap okunması, vb)

– ağır yük kaldırılması

– hastalığın şiddetlenmesine neden olan besin maddelerinin tüketilmesi (alkol, baharatlı yiyecekler)

Nedeni ne olursa olsun bu damar ağlarını (makat kanalındaki toplar damarları) destekleyen dokular gerilir ve sonuçta bu damarlar genişler, çevre destek dokusu ve duvarları incelir ve kanama meydana gelir. Eğer gerginlik artar, basınç devam ederse incelmiş olan bu damarlar makattan dışarı çıkarlar.


Dışkılama (büyük abdest yapma) esnasında kanama

en önemli belirtisidir. Sıklıkla damla damla burun kanaması gibi taze parlak kırmızı renktedir. Dışkının üzerine ve temizlik sırasında kan fark edilebileceği gibi tüm tuvalet kan ile kirlenebilir. Genelde kanama ağrısızdır.

Dışkılama (büyük abdest yapma) esnasında makatın dışarı çıkması, ele gelen şişlikler.

Hasta makattan dışarı doğru çıkan yumuşak bir şişlikten, kitleden şikayet eder. Bazı hastalar bu dışarı çıkan şişliği makat içine doğru içeriye geri itebilirler.

Anal bölgede (makatta) kaşıntı

Hemoroidal damarların normal işlevlerini yapamaması ile makat bölgesinin hijyeni de bozulur. Makatın tam kapanmaması ile dışkı ve akıntı kaçağı olur. Buna bağlı kaşıntı ihtiyacı oluşur.


Hastalar bu şikayetlerini tam olarak ifade edemezler. Sancı, sızlama veya yanma şeklinde bir his olarak tanımlayabilirler. Özellikle dış hemoroidlerin tromboze (damar içinde kan pıhtısı oluşması) olması şiddetli ağrıya neden olur.

Sürekli olarak anal kanalın (makatın) dışında kalan ve dokunulduğunda ağrılı olan şişlikler

İç hemoroidlerin makattan dışarı sarkması sonucu gelişebileceği gibi dış hemoroidlerin tromboze olması ile de ortaya çıkabilir.

• Kilodun akıntı , kanama veya dışkı ile kirlenmesi


Anamnez:(hastalık hikayes)i: Doktor hastanın şikayetlerini dikkatle dinler. Bu görüşmenin amacı hastaya ait özellikler ve hastalığın seyrini ortaya koymaktır. Hastanın diyet şekli, dışkılama ve tuvalet alışkanlığı, hastalığın şiddetlenmesine neden olabilecek etkenler ve ailesel hikayesi değerlendirilir.

Muayene: Hastanın utanmasına neden olmayacak bir ortamda yapılmalıdır. Bu muayene sırasında doktor makat bölgesini ve kalın bağırsağın son kısmı olan rektumu da parmakla muayene etmesi gerekir. Bu şekilde ayırıcı tanıda akla gelebilecek diğer hastalıkların varlığı da araştırılır.

Endoskopik muayene (Anoskopi-Rektosigmoidoskopi-Kolonoskopi): Kalın bağırsağın içini örten tabakanın direkt gözle incelenmesine endoskopi denir. Bu işlem sadece makat için yapılırsa anoskopi, rektum ve sigmoid kolon için yapılırsa rektosigmoidoskopi ve tüm kalın bağırsak için yapılırsa kolonoskopi denir.

Dışkıdan kan gelmesi şikayeti olan bir hastada ayırıcı tanı için en az rektosigmoidoskopi yapılmalıdır. Aksi takdirde kanamaya neden olabilen diğer hastalıklar gözden kaçabilir. Örneğin dışkılama sırasında kanamaya neden olan erken evredeki bir kalın bağırsak kanserinin farkına varılmazsa ve hemoroid hastalığı diye yanlış tedavi edilirse, ileride ciddi sağlık sorunlarına neden olabileceği unutulmamalıdır. Bu nedenle ayırıc tanı için mutlaka endoskopik tetkiklerden yararlanılmalıdır.

98 Yanıt

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    you are going to provide to the readers. one thing always to be kept in mind while writing a post is that the important information is covered first.some readers might not want to read till the end if useless information is

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    those who are only just beginning their journey. there are many bloggers that tend to hurry up with the promotion of their blog. this is even before having any valuable content on it first. having the patience to build a blog

  8. writer has and how well-versed they are

    with the business itself, not every writer who is capable of putting together comprehensible sentences complete with perfect spelling and grammar can actually write content. a good web writer will consider the nature of the business itself, the intende…

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    and soul into your copy, writing is their life’s pursuit as well as their pride and joy and they expect to be compensated for it. all those that have ever had an assignment, had to write up a report, or doing

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    clients. i don’t want this to scare you, but it is an insider secret that you need to know. sometimes writers will try to make a quick buck by submitting work that they have plagiarized.i mean they basically find your topic

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  12. to formulate a thesis statement to bring

    the entire paper together.typical class many english composition classes around the country work around a community type base. a community type of a class means that students read their pieces of writing and get to hear constructive criticism from thei…

  13. where you do absolutely no promotion and

    include nothing but useful content. you need a good sales pitch every time you attempt to promote a product. a simple “click this link” isn’t good enough. with that said, remember that you should avoid content that is nothing but a

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    a strong brand on the job portals by telling prospective employees about the advantages offered. highlight points such as great work environment, growth opportunities, monetary benefits, employee appreciation, market reputation and flexible schedules.2…

  15. your blog. when you guest blogging, it

    is imperative to wow them so they will want to read more. a great design will also attract others to your blog before they even read the content. interacting with blog comments is also important. if you interact with your readers

  16. a big effort and take all the

    time you need to get it–that is, if you’re a determined person. blogging is more than just creating new ideas and turning those ideas into writing. it’s about promoting your content, making connections, and being part of the community. a blog

  17. before i caught on to the potential

    in blogs.a blog doesn’t have to be like a journal or diary. it doesn’t even have to be personal in nature. think of a blog more like you would the editorial pages of a newspaper. it’s “news” (sort of) but it

  18. keep going. good point. create a schedule

    you can live with. go to wordpress or blogger and open an account. shoot for just 1 blog per month. don’t start until you have 5-6 ideas on tap. put a reminder on your calendar for the middle of the month,

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    is no! you can start from where you stopped in your career as a content writer. you can even use the insights you gained through these personal crises to enhance your content writing and copy writing skills. for that what you

  21. model, the internet marketer targets users browsing

    the internet to promote a business or service. this approach is used in search engine marketing, for which the advertisements are based on search engine keywords.appeal to specific intereststhis approach place emphasis on appealing to a specific behavi…

  22. an effort to impress the teacher. when

    we finish school, and we take on roles in business organizations we realize that businesses require a different set of writing skills. some of the skills necessary are not taught in school unless you take business writing courses. our audience was

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    having a network of great writers is that you will find people who can add content to your site without you having to do so much of the work. that is, as long as the articles and posts are in keeping

  24. Official Regenerative Institute Vimeo Channel.

    The Regenerative Leadership Institute is the nation’s sustainable living, leadership and permaculture design school. We reconnect people with nature, remembering our collective heritage and creating a beautiful, thriving future. Join us and let’s cha…

  25. to make money by blogging. naturally, advertising

    appears in the blog. however, you can not present too much. otherwise, it may swamp your blog.fifthly, do use the right spelling and punctuation. i think most people want to find something useful instead of the rubbish information. therefore before you

  26. helps the content of the blog to

    be seen in various social bookmarking sites. this then contributes to a much greater exposure for the blog.the wp to twitter plugin is another one that appeals to many bloggers at present. this tweets automatically any new blog posts made on

  27. Official Regenerative Institute Vimeo Channel.

    The Regenerative Leadership Institute is the nation’s sustainable living, leadership and permaculture design school. We reconnect people with nature, remembering our collective heritage and creating a beautiful, thriving future. Join us and let’s cha…

  28. offers you get to write for others.

    pay-per-click- some bloggers can do very well with pay-per-click but others may not do as well. there are several things that will determine how much money you can make with this method but it’s something that you can try to see

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    that you select one of those. it is wise to save time by skipping non user-friendly software. even if you believe you have the best blog software, you still need a very good support team to answer your questions. in this

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    and you need a well established, quality blog, before you can even apply for a google adsense account. if your blog does not have enough quality content, google will reject your adsense application, so it is very important that you don’t

  31. more sales.don’t be deceived by the “gurus”

    who say that you need to buy their $500 product in order to learn how to make money blogging online. as soon as you buy that $500 product, you will get contacted by the same company with an offer to buy

  32. my story. by doing this alone, you

    will have blog ideas and topics flowing like crazy.the second of the blog ideas – be the “teacher in the room”when someone asks you a question related to the theme of your blog, that is an instant blog post idea. for

  33. for your blog. this is going to

    be the address for your site which cannot be modified. so it is very important for you to select the domain name properly.once you receive the confirmation email, you will find a link. click it. now you have your very own

  34. into much. so you need to think

    about how you are going to actually come up with content. are you going to get data from another source, are you going to write your own content, are you going to comment on other peoples content? all of these are

  35. many more. in this article, we will

    cover making money through advertising. there are many different types and designs for online advertisement, which include text ads, image ads, pop-ups and many others.followings are the five different ways, using which you can make some good bucks fro…

  36. simply have not been taught to write

    properly.high schools are commonly receiving the blame for this poor college performance in writing. what are they teaching in high school language arts classes that cause these students to do so poorly with their college writing assignments? it seems…

  37. out how you can best promote your

    services to them. this means that you must choose a promotional vehicle and then you need to distribute the advertising effectively.you must also create the promotional vehicle as well and, in order for it to be well received by your audience,

  38. they compose their sentences and paragraphs. you

    may also want to check out the words they use, check how they enrich their piece with appropriate vocabulary words. take a close look at their diction, or their choice of words as well. find out if they use other writing

  39. the other hand, the post menopause symptoms

    can also occur because of certain underlying health conditions. because of this, it is highly important that you know about them in good detail.in this article, we will be discussing the most common post menopause symptoms that you can possibly encount…

  40. what good business doesn’t have a website

    these days?4: ability to networkget to know people, build relationships. your blog is a great way to do this. when you get good work from customers don’t just do the work and forget about it. contact the customer after asking if

  41. and other digital proof of your credentials

    as soon as they receive it!if your social media presence is out of alignment with your resume, this can create confusion, and in the case of more-revealing online information (such as dates that reveal your age), cast you out of consideration.if

  42. cleared the air concerning many people’s perception

    that blogging is dying. it is not and it will not. there are many blogs that were once active and churning out great material, that are now inactive and basically dead. the net is a bit of a blog cemetery, but

  43. to take its toll if you burn

    out or have no idea what to write. my suggestion? if you’re a freelance blog writer who doesn’t have to answer to a company, be true to yourself. write what you know! find a subject that you find tantalizing and stick

  44. to start researching about various types of

    content writing such as seo, pr (press release), blogs, and etc so that you have experience in all sorts of fields.this not only helps build your credibility and experience, but also helps you in deciding which type of content writing field

  45. format, and timeline. think carefully about each

    of these before you approach any freelance writers.try to find writers who have worked on projects similar to what you are hoping to accomplish. this is not to say that a sports nutrition article writer can’t write an article on eating

  46. pain, especially if there will be additional

    pressure on the area where the surgery is performed. for this reason, you need to see to it that you wear the appropriate types of sports compression garments that will restrict movement in the crotch area. you can always ask your

  47. expand your services.specializing in high demand services

    is simply a great way to get started without running yourself ragged trying to be all things to all people. the web continuously expands beyond traditional ways of getting traffic via search engine optimization as well as paid advertising; social netwo…

  48. you need to break long paragraphs up

    into # lists like these:5 tips on…how to videos…3 techniques…7 strategies…10 ways of…6 steps on…believe me this works out better for your audience, adding clickable links to other related blog posts usually works well to.3) your layout is i…

  49. simply write an article that is a

    step by step guide or illustration. people like to be shown each step in a process because they feel like they understand it much better when the steps are shown to them.3. also, some people will come from different backgrounds and

  50. trend by getting luxury writing sets. these

    writing sets have been crafted from the finest materials. you can choose from a variety of intricate designs that will make writing such a pleasurable task. writing sets are a collector’s item and they can be used for high-class invitations and

  51. and many of them are just as

    interesting. the problem is, though, you probably won’t be able to bring most of them home. if you’re looking for free online jobs from home, why not choose writing jobs? online marketers and website owners are dying for help when it

  52. texts using images, illustrations, and graphs that

    are related to the topic that you’re discussing.6. use keywords. be smart when writing your blog posts and use keywords. there’s no sense in making them informative if they can’t be found online. so, identify the most searched terms related to

  53. straightaway, because quite often the people you

    are writing content for live in other countries. you can’t meet them, and phoning would be prohibitively expensive, unless you both have skype. you have no way of knowing how reliable they are until you’ve got that money in your paypal

  54. to wait a month later to read

    more. the best blogs frequently post with posts at least once per week if not twice per week. make sure a consistent scheduled is followed and announce upcoming posts to readers if you are behind schedule.create a solid blog ideathe site

  55. enough to find a vendor who could

    provide his or her affiliates with their own blog site. if you are one of these affiliate marketers, you better take a look at these providers both contending for the title of the best blog hosting service provider:google blogger its claim

  56. at all costs!!!examining the previous paragraph, it’s

    easy to see that we use adverbs frequently in our writing as well as our speech. so what is it about these modifiers that have english teachers, critics, and publishers with their panties in a bundle? the claim is that adverbs

  57. in your own words and turn it

    into a blog post. it doesn’t matter if you set up your blog for business or personal purposes; you have a blog because you want lots of people to read what you have to say. one way to drive readers to

  58. is only one in about hundred articles

    submitted are actually published on the web.the most important thing to remember is “substance” is what it’s all about. – or perhaps a lack of it in most cases!many content articles submitted are nothing greater than simple “gibberish” and quite a

  59. films, do you think he does every

    bit of work himself? definitely not; he had people working for him who he trusts to make lots of little decisions so he can make the big ones.no one can be in charge of every aspect of their business. mr. movie

  60. information you wish share with your readers,

    many bloggers also like to add in images and videos.put yourself in the reader’s shoesthis article will look at the secrets of writing great posts for your blog. as i always say, behind every successful blogger is good content, repeatedly written.

  61. the publishers to take advantage of the

    multibillion dollar international audience market. the software is an ultimate language solution which helps in a perfect writing in english along with full text translation in many languages. the main languages that the software can translate into are…

  62. paragraphs, consider magazines and newspapers, who have

    people employed just to write these compelling words. they are what sells the paper or magazine. they matter that much. if you think this is important, it is. you need to take the time to learn how copywriters craft dynamic, compelling

  63. you can write about the popularity of

    people like harry potter or taylor swift and how they use the same methods that you recommend in the social media world to translate their popularity in the real world. when you’re writing about pop culture this is a great idea

  64. simple tactics they use are:1. weight age

    of keywords – the use of keywords is important because the visitors make use of keywords in the search engine box, when they are seeking for information. the content should be appropriate to the keywords but make certain that you just

  65. add links and add videos can be

    embedded into the blog itself.6. time frame, set a time each day to work on a blog post. give yourself a time frame in which to complete articles and set aside a few hours each day to complete an article, take

  66. and less as new or higher priorities

    take our attention.2. quality of content.because your writing skills may not be up to scratch, you may know what you want to say, but can you write your posts in a way that it is easy to understand and is well-researched

  67. for the entertainment of your circle of

    friends and family is still a great way to keep in touch. if the writing is good enough, it may pick up a following beyond that, through word of mouth. quality still rises to the top amongst an ocean of trashy

  68. usually figure why not make money doing

    something they’d be doing anyways. however, believe it or not there are people that earn six figures from blog marketing.these bloggers manage many blogs and have turned blogging into their own business. they get to the point where they have so

  69. most of us today have very little

    to no time to go through lengthy posts – keep it simple and crisp!!3) try and post a relevant image with your blog post – a picture speaks a thousand words. you can add on simple line to your blog post

  70. process behind someone’s writing and they drive

    the creation of new written material.as you begin your process to becoming a better writer it is important to remember that you can master multiple formats of writing. as a writer you could focus on creating essays, poems, research or textbooks,

  71. steady communication streamdoes your company publish a

    newsletter? every article in that newsletter would likely make a good blog post.perhaps you have an interesting story about how your company won a certain contract. or where some of your materials are sourced. or how you’ve been recycling since 1967.

  72. a cat lover, for instance that your

    blog is all about dogs. you want to be targeted and focus on a particular niche so your blog is not confusing to your readers too.if you want your blog to be a success and look good too, then focus on

  73. order to determine how my characters may

    have looked or felt while speaking. if i can cut out a line of awkward description simply by using “sarcastically” or “sardonically,” i’ll do it. if some critic wants to call me sloppy for it, hell, i’ll gladly keep joanne company.

  74. get one very big advantage.this huge advantage

    is summed up in one word – traffic. if you pull a lot of people with the same interests together and they all start to blog, they read the other blogs on the system.but i still think self-hosted wordpress wins the

  75. are both hosted blogs, meaning your url

    will be [http://www.yournamehere.typepad.com/]the same is true for blogger. wordpress gives you the option. you can host your blog on wordpress or redirect it to another host so your url is whatever you want it to be.read everything about your blogging…

  76. the website can experience a huge traffic.

    internet searchers always look for good content and if you are the one who provides them with good articles, they will certainly visit you over and again to grab more. this can help in developing a strong bond and you will

  77. need to check the results and copy

    all questions that you think are related to your topics. last step is to write a short article as a solution for each of questions.3. you can use your customers as a source of article ideas. there will always be an

  78. time to write.set yourself daily time to

    update your blog, or if you only update 3 time per week set specific days when you’re going to write your blog posts. if for some reason you know you can’t do it on that day do it earlier and put

  79. “a day in the life of __________”encourage

    students to model desired behaviorsstudents won’t always respond to a writing prompt out of the blue, but they will feel more comfortable with their written voice, when you allow students to see the “real” you at all times. the hardest thing

  80. help you boost your writing abilities. get

    to know them very well and submit yourself to their training.write regularly to train your brain and your hands to write. the more you write the more you will exercise your brain to squeeze out more words from it for you

  81. but anyway, one has to derive his

    or her inspiration from everyday life, not from some mysterious source that predestines one to be a writer even before he or she is born.rich experiences plus creative use of language are still inadequate for the making of a good writer.

  82. things an seo blogger must do:create your

    own wordpress blog- if you have a business and would like to start building your own authoritative blog, you can go to godaddy.com. it only takes 10 minutes to set up. you must apply for a linux-hosted account because wordpress is

  83. body cleanse is good, clean water. sip

    water all day long. set a water consumption goal. increase it daily until you are drinking a healthy amount. an average sized woman needs about 70 ounces of water daily. drink more if you’re physically active.nature has provided all you need

  84. the many options available. if you really

    don’t know which method is best for your acne, it’s an easy matter to schedule a consultation with your dermatologist. the menopause symptoms that women suffer from usually die down when they reach the post menopausal stage. however, there are cases

  85. to this subject or niche, writing about

    things like kitchens, ovens and related furniture or areas. if you try to stray too much from your niche then it is possible to become slightly unrelated which can be a detrimental thing.be concise yet informative – when it comes to

  86. with your post players and find where

    they like to catch the ball. practice post passing with defenders behind the post, side fronting baseline, side fronting high side, and against a defender that tries to front the post. the passing angles will be different for each, but the

  87. add links and add videos can be

    embedded into the blog itself.6. time frame, set a time each day to work on a blog post. give yourself a time frame in which to complete articles and set aside a few hours each day to complete an article, take

  88. you’ve got that money in your paypal

    account. so, offer to do a few blog posts or an article or two just to make sure you are certain to get your money.if you do good work for a reasonable fee, chances are they’ll want you to keep doing

  89. way to be successful in any field.passionmake

    sure you’re passionate about what you do and what you write about. if you’re not the games over before you’ve even started as your hearts not in it from day one. be passionate, you need that stay in love with what

  90. more exposure for your blog and your

    business. people love blogs. they are looking for content that can help them solve a problem. be sure to help your readers or educate them in a specific subject, and that will get you more traffic. blogs are interactive. when you

  91. website or blog site. other features of

    this plug-in include featured posts with excerpt, a java script / css effect when sliding to another post, arrows for navigating through the posts, an administration setting for category and post items and a nice image next to the text which

  92. acclaimed cold mountain, which was also well-received

    by the general public. it required a few pages to get used to the style, but i think it’s fair to state that most people found the format not to be a problem. from our school days, we remember james joyce

  93. so inspiring that they will want to

    re-share it with their group.3. you want to build your expertise by presenting yourself as a specialist. that happens when you offer intelligent ideas, speak to your audience and offer good, sound valuable tips.4. comment on other people’s posts- espe…

  94. the google adsense program, you must find

    an interesting topic which will draw readers, and also a good angle for such topic. it will take a lot of hard work, but you need to also write many worthwhile blog posts in your topic field. you will have to

  95. employees can not be friendly, personal and

    sales structured. employees can not use a rulebook in this situation. all the good, friendly rules were used in the first few letters. now in this situation, the employee will probably have to write an unfriendly letter yet maintain a good

  96. – you do several things: provide a

    steady flow of fresh content related to your business. the search engines love fresh content. the more frequently and regularly you provide it, the better your web site will fare in search rankings. maintain steady communication with customers and pros…

  97. writing is to stay completely focused on

    the task at hand. patience is of utmost importance while writing.there maybe days when you’ll manage to write loads of articles and there maybe some other days when you won’t be able to write a single word due to lack of

  98. like to add in images and videos.put

    yourself in the reader’s shoesthis article will look at the secrets of writing great posts for your blog. as i always say, behind every successful blogger is good content, repeatedly written. as an introduction to great blog post writing, here’s an

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